Healing Leylines
You have made it through the worst now it is time to claim your best.…
What happened to you was traumatic. It was horrific. Yet, here you stand, Warrior.
You are a survivor, who has persevered. Carrying around the burdens of our past keeps us in the battle.
Now is the time to return to your true nature and gather your gifts of wholeness.
We are alive at a very exciting time in history. Never before have we been able to share and transfer information to one another with such speed and accuracy all around the globe as we can today. New, miraculous discoveries are emerging almost daily, transcending (and challenging) our old paradigms and beliefs.
Epigenetics is the biology of belief and is quickly becoming the wave of the future. We have discovered that our mind is a field of infinite energy and does not know the difference between belief and reality. Thus, scientifically proving that you are, in fact, the Creator of your reality.
Gone are the days of wondering if positive thinking really has any effect on your life experience. We now know that your health is directly affected by your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. In other words, your internal environment is creating every single aspect of your life - real or imagined.
The great news is that you have a super power that is innate inside your marvelous being. That Super Power? You know it as your will power. Your ability to choose your thoughts, feelings and behaviors is the strongest Super Power you possess. We are so disempowered in life without fully grasping this fundamental truth.
Like a ship without a Captain our life is often adrift, powerless to effectively respond to what life brings us until we regain our will power and place ourselves at the helm of life. Nobody can or will do this for you. You and you alone that must realize that happiness is an inside job. Because the truth is, you are not powerless floating in the sea of life. You just need to be reminded that the answers you seek are already inside of you. Everything you will ever need or want is always within you. You are one part of the entire awesome expanding Universe. You are part of an infinite ocean of possibilities. The entire universe is contained inside of your marvelous existence.
You have your hands on this steering wheel and all the dials and can take this ship anywhere you want to go. We do not get to choose what waves life brings us but, we do get to choose if we surf, sink or swim in those waves.
Your physical body is your divine vessel, your mind is the captain, and your will power is the throttle that stands ready to help you escape the storms of life. All that’s missing is you.
If you’re ready to show up at the helm of your life, then make that declaration right now! After all, this is your one juicy life. Don’t wait another moment to see where your ship can take you. It’s time to set sail and discover the wonder of new uncharted territory…
Beyond Trauma!

Together, we can decide which the option is right for you.
All my coaching packages are tailored to you, and your individual needs. You determine the depth and tempo. There are levels to this work.
Where you’re at decides the detail of what we’ll cover. All healing is different, and all healing needs elements of the same. All coaching is held over Skype or Zoom, from the comfort of your own home.

The ReNatured Life program is for you
If you want to check yourself before you wreck yourself.…
If you want to learn how to drive your mind…
If you thought you were broken or damaged…
If you cant figure out what you are doing wrong…
If you’re disassociated from your body, it’s just a vehicle you live in…
If loving yourself is a far-off concept…
If you desire to make the best of your life…
If you desperately yearn for something more…
Prefer to work in your own time? Check out .
Not sure which is right for you? Book a call, and we’ll have a chat.